AIM Rule 26 Information

The following information is disclosed in accordance with Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies.

Last Updated: 25 February 2025


Afentra is incorporated in England and Wales with registered number 01757721 and has its registered office at 10 St. Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AD.

The information contained within section of this website is for the purposes of AiM Rule 26.

Afentra plc is not listed on any other exchanges.

Business description

Afentra is an independent Oil & Gas company focused on the African Energy Transition.
Afentra has an 30% non-operated interest in the offshore production Block 3/05 in Angola, a 21.33% interest in the adjacent development Block 3/05A and also holds a 40% non-operated interest in Block 23 in Angola. Onshore Angola Afentra has a 45% non-operated interest in both Block KON 19 and KON15 located in the western part of the Onshore Kwanza Basin.
Afentra also has a 34% carried interest in the Odewayne exploration Block, onshore southwestern Somaliland, covering a very large area (circa 22,000kmĀ²). The PSA covers Block SL6 and part of Blocks SL7 and SL10.

Director details

Information on the Company Directors can be found here

Corporate governance

UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers
As an AIM traded UK registered company, Afentra plc is subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers legislation.

Information on the Company approach and principles can be found here.

The Code of Business conduct can be found here.

Current constitutional documents

Investor publications can be found in our Investors section
Articles of Association can be found here
Memorandum of Association can be found here

The number of AIM Securities and transfer restrictions

Share Capital can be found here

Annual and other reports

Financial reports can be found in the Investors section

Company notifications for the last 12 months

RNS can be found in the Investors section

Admission document and shareholder updates

Company Documents can be found in the Investors section


Advisors can be found in the Advisors section

Electronic communications Letter to Shareholders

Can be found in the ‘Company Documents’ tab of the Investors section